Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory Coins Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory arrives on the Switch next week and if you’re a long-time fan of the series you’re probably eager to find out what the song list looks like in the full game.
It’s no secret that Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory will have over 140 songs available. Tetsuya Nomura — the director of the Kingdom Hearts series — stated that it would some time ago. He also said that not every piece of Kingdom Hearts music made the cut though meaning some fan-favorite tracks won’t be in the rhythm-style game when it arrives. He didn’t detail what these songs were but thanks to a recently put together list fans now have the ability to find out for themselves.
Kingdom Hearts began as a collision between Disney and Final Fantasy. The musicality and charm of Disney mixed with the action and magic of Final Fantasy was wonderful. Now Disney’s music will really take center stage in this game. A lot of the music will be original music from the Kingdom Hearts games but there will also be a ton of Disney classics. From worlds that Sora and friends have visited we will be hearing Under the Sea Part of Your World Circle of Life Beauty and the Beast A Whole New World Kingdom Hearts MOM Coins This Is Halloween and yes Let It Go.
The lack of Kingdom Hearts 3 songs however is disappointing. If you don’t count “Let It Go,” there are currently seven entries from the game and most don’t represent the quality of that game’s soundtrack. While we thankfully have Utada Hikaru’s main theme “Don’t Think Twice,” Melody of Memory currently does not include “Face My Fears,” “Yozora’s Theme,” “Forza Finale,” “Scala Ad Caelum,” or “Toy Box Jam.” Hopefully more updates will be coming down the pipeline. Perhaps some of these could be story-related and Square Enix is keeping them to the chest especially if Yozora is involved in the events of Melody of Memory.
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory releases on November 13 for the PS4 Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. A free demo is available right now to try.
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